My favorite part of the episode was Act Two: Stutter Step, which profiled middle school dances, the perfect snapshot of all the social, moral, biological, and emotional forces at work in the life of a middle schooler. Best line (paraphrased)? Reporter: So are you boyfriend and girlfriend? 6th grade boy: Yeah, we're dating. Reporter: How long have you been dating? Boy: Well, she asked me out like 20 minutes ago, so it's pretty serious.
This program did a great job of reminding listeners what it's like to actively be in Erikson's stage V of psychosocial development, and the culmination of biological and social changes that make middle school years tumultuous for most adolescents. It also reminded me of how difficult my own 6th grade experience was, and of the need to be more sensitive and empathetic when interacting with my former students. The pressure for social acceptance and paramount importance of image and peer relationships are important to keep in mind as a teacher. One comment, incident, or implication can have serious social ramifications for these students who are struggling to develop their own identity, self esteem, and social relationships.
Some of my now 6th grade students, developing social relationships. |